And free on the PS4 (with one year of PlayStation Plus subscription at £39.99), comes a little game called Contrast. This puzzle platformer from Compulsion Games, plays with the use of light and shadow to progress between levels. I've not had a great deal of chance to play with it so far but from what I've played, the concept is intriguing. The character you play is able to shift between a shadow on a wall and a physical person which opens up the world to some incredibly innovative perception. Whether it be to traverse across seemingly impossible gaps or avoid threatening enemies, the way the light/shadow play is used is neat and (for lack of a better and non-repetetive word) charming. I've been looking at creating that 2D side scrolling platformer but was struggling to think of a quirky enough gameplay mechanic that would fit nicely onto an iOS device so I think I've stumbled across a winner here (or at least the idea of one). Take a look at some examples of Contrast here:
Surprisingly this isn't a far cry from another new title this month, The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds, where Link is able to turn into a 2D painting to move along walls and slip through gaps in bars to reveal new areas. There'll be more on that soon though, I'm currently compiling a list of games that have similar mechanics to Contrast and that's made it on the list so far.